Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Naomi's Nursery

My sister sent me to a fun blog where tons of people have submitted pictures of their nurseries. Some people are quite creative! After admiring some, laughing at others, I fell in love with this one:

However, when Brice and I went to register at a local baby store, we found a bedding pattern we liked and decided to go that route instead. But I just couldn't let go of the "Allison" nursery. My sister even posted the two rooms on her blog to get a vote. When I told Brice, he quickly responded that he preferred the "Allison" room too, so the final decision is made!!

We went to pick out the paint last weekend. We selected four of the color sheets, each with four colors on them, and laid them out for comparison and selection. After mere seconds I said, "Well, I know which one I like, but I'll wait 'til you make your choice." He quickly pointed to one of the 16 colors and said, "That one!" Yep, it was the one I had chosen in my head. (deep sigh) Potential conflict/discussion avoided! A guy comes Thursday to start painting!

Plus, my sister found the butterfly decals on a website for cheap. What would I do without her? Beck - please come down and help me put them on the walls just right!

So that's the nursery! Next topic . . .


jenny said...

That was my choice too. Love it! Was wondering what you were going to call her, guess Naomi is it. What does Cole think about all this?

Dana Butler said...

Pretty!! Love it!