Monday, May 24, 2010

My Sister

Today is my sister's birthday. Out of respect for her, I won't tell you which birthday - but it isn't the big one . . . yet!

My sister is a bit older than me. She was starting college when I started junior high. I still remember the day she didn't want to play Barbies with me anymore. I also remember watching her have so much fun in high school and wishing I could be just like her! I looked up to her with that deep sense of awe one feels when in the presence of a hero.

She and I are also very different from each other. She is what's referred to as a "people person" while I'm the more introverted type. She is quite creative, comical, and immediately likable. And she always did a great job of encouraging me in my strengths. I have letters she wrote me from college reminding me that differences aren't bad things. God gave us each our own gifts.

Being adults together changed our relationship again. She was a great support through some trying times in my life, sharing tears and always a laugh - even from the other side of the world! And now we can also relate as two mothers - though her stories in that area are much more entertaining than mine! (see her blog for details)

I am blessed. My sister is my friend. I know not everyone can say that - and I couldn't always say that. It's nice to have a friend that comes from where you come from. She gets me. She gets my family! She hears me. And we laugh at the same things. One of our favorite "games" to play is Guess My Favorite Part. Nine times out of ten we can guess each other's favorite part of a song or line from a movie. I know, we're weird.

So, happy birthday to you, my dear friend, my sister. I still look up to you, still admire your strengths, and still look forward to our phone conversations. I am not only grateful that you were born, but I'm grateful we were born into the same family. Our relationship has been through various phases throughout our life. Can you guess my favorite part?


jenny said...

I'm envious of your loving relationship and what a great picture of the two of you!

Steph said...

WOW. I have tears in my eyes....I want a sister!!!!!!!

BKicklighter said...

Just like a little sister to post a picture where she looks better - - I totally look stoned :)

Thanks for the sweet words and birthday wishes. Listened to you sing while in the theatre tonight. So dear.

This is my favorite part too. We are a piece of work.