Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Introducing Coleman Alexander Jackson!

March 26, 2008: Our Blessing Day

Today completed the long process of Brice's adoption of Cole. It was an exciting day. Cole has been talking about it for weeks. Our judge was super nice - the whole process took less than 10 minutes.

We met up with the parents for dinner and celebration.

We are truly blessed and so grateful!


BKicklighter said...

Sounds like he'll be a president :)
LOVE his shirt and you look beautiful. We are just thrilled. Brice you have been given a gift (as well as having given a huge one!!!!!)Thank you.

Christian - Modobject@Home said...

This brought tears to my eyes! I'm so excited for all three of you!

Anonymous said...

Praise God!!! What great news! So thankful for this!!

Lyra said...

I came across your blog and just had to leave you a comment. I know what a blessing and a gift this is. My son was adopted by my husband when he was 3 years old (he's 8 now)and we are so grateful. It is such a testimony of redemption.