Sunday, March 2, 2008

My husband, my hero

Being sick has a couple of advantages - you have a perfect excuse to do nothing and your husband gets to serve you any way he can. Well, at least my husband has been. What an amazing man I married! He comes with a bonus too - a sweet mother who loves to extend a gesture of love whenever possible. She brought over a complete dinner last night plus some chicken salad just because I wanted some!

So today for lunch, Brice prepared a gorgeous plate of food including chicken salad (with grapes he cut and added), crackers, green salad with pita wedges, and strawberries with Cool Whip. It would earn a blue ribbon at O'Carr's!

We've watched the last 10 episodes of 24 over the past three days. And now my son has caught the flu as well. Guess I need to find another series.

Thanks, Honey, for all you do!!!

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