Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Big 4-0 for Big Bro

This summer my brother turned 40. That's even weird to type! Fortunately, my brother is 8 years older than me so I have a little ways to go! :-)

When he arrived from China, we were all shocked to see a yellow/orange head of hair! This was his attempt to outdo anything we were planning for him. He's a one-upper, if you know what I mean. Thankfully, his mid-life crisis display will grown out and be just a memory. But we do have plenty of photos to make sure we never forget!

My mom's brother and his family came up from Florida for the festivities as well as her cousin and his wife who live locally. I didn't know my parents house could hold that many people, much less get them all around a table to eat!

Mom had an Andy-centered bingo game for the kids, Brice and I did an 80's pop culture Jeopardy game, and Becky collected messages from people in Andy's past. Good times.

And in true Cheely fashion, a t-shirt was involved! Three cheers for my clever sister!

It's a puzzle - can you figure it out? (The top right picture on the gals is a knot.)


BKicklighter said...

The term "one-upper" begs for many a joke to be made.

Anonymous said...

I have been trying to figure out your and Becky's shirt for a while...what is the last thing on your shirt...I got the other part.
Cheely in SC.

annaj said...

"Andy is over the hill"
"I am not over the hill"

Anonymous said...

I thought that might be it...but I didn't want to give it away. Fun!