Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First Day of School!

Yes, today is the first day of school - August 11th. It's actually late compared to last year. It couldn't come soon enough for Cole though! He's been counting down the days and hours.

Monday was orientation and he got to meet his new teacher. He put his supplies away and got his desk ready while I filled out paperwork and dad chatted with the teacher. (Each of these tasks completely fit our personalities!)

He has two of his buddies in his class which made him even more anxious to get back in the groove. This morning he was up as soon as his alarm went off at 6:00 am - before we got up! Yes, he set his alarm himself the night before. He was ready pretty early and decided to just go outside and wait for the bus, in case it came early. Bless his heart, he waited for 15 minutes - the bus was actually right on time!

The afternoon report: It was a good day!

Cole thrives on structure and routine so he's settling in to his 5th grade life quite well. He's on the Safety Patrol so he got to open car doors in carpool this morning and direct kids in the halls lining up for bus loads in the afternoon.

I hope this enthusiasm lasts, but considering his goal was the Perfect Attendance award last year, I'm not too worried about his commitment to school!