Wednesday, July 30, 2008

VBS Wrap Up

Thursday night: Jesus gives us the power to live forever.
This was "Salvation Night." The exercise we did was beautiful. We talked about sin and whether we would take the punishment for someone else's. Then the kids invisibly wrote one of their sins on a sad-face sticker. There were three crosses on the wall and they had to stick their "sin" to the two outer crosses. We talked about why the middle cross had no sin. They I told them about the two criminals hanging on either side, covered with sin. Each criminal made a choice, and when the 2nd one chose to believe, his sin was transferred to Jesus (I moved the stickers onto the middle cross). It was a great visual for the kids. I told them how we are all criminals because we've broken God's law and have a choice to make too. Which criminal are you?

Friday night: Jesus gives us the power to tell others.
Tonight we talked about evangelism and Pentecost. One of our church members is German so I had her come in and start speaking to the kids in German, setting the scene for a communication problem. I had the kids make up their own language to see the difficulty in talking when no one can understand you. Then we turned on fans and the red and orange streamers blew in the wind. All of a sudden, our German visitor could speak English! I told the story of the disciples at Pentecost and how we are all charged to tell others of God's love, even in our actions.

It was such a fun week! I loved how the activities helped the kids to experience the Bible stories and not just hear them. Hats off to the curriculum writers!


BKicklighter said...

It was fun to hear what happened upstairs at our VBS!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like both the teacher and the kids had a good time. You did a great job!! MM