Friday, August 15, 2008

Me in Pictures

My sister did this on her blog having found it on someone else's so I'm spreading it along. The idea is to answer with pictures. Very fun. Try it on your blog!

1. Your age on your next birthday.

2. A place you would like to travel.

3. Your favorite place.

4. Your favorite object

5. Your favorite food.

6. Your favorite animal.

7. Your favorite color.

8. The town where you were born.

9. The town where you live now.

10. The name of a past pet.

11. Name of a past love.

12. Best Friend's Nickname

13. Your screen name.

14. Your first name.

15. Your middle name.

16. Your last name.

17. Bad Habit

18. Your First Job

19. Name of your grandmother.

20. College Major

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