Saturday, May 9, 2009

Add it to the list!

Well, it's almost Mother's Day. And I'm going to take advantage of my right as a mother to say how proud I am of my son!

Those of you who know him know that he is a boy of many talents. I've known he is smart and I've known he is naturally athletic. And I've also learned that he is a growing musician. But what I didn't know was that he can also be called an artist! Check this out:

This is a drawing of his "dream school" per an assignment in art class. He needed to use an alternate energy source so he chose water, as seen in the waterfalls on either side. I can't remember what every little thing is, but he could tell you!

Last week we received an invitation to an art awards ceremony at a studio downtown. What?? Unfortunately, it fell on a night that we had a soccer game so we could not attend. However, his bag of "goodies" was given to him at school the next day. He received a set of colored pencils, a drawing tablet, a set of notecards with various students' drawings, and this certificate:

He was so excited! And I, of course, was very proud of him!

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