Monday, May 4, 2009

A long time comin'

So Brice and I took the shameless mother cat to the Humane Society. And there was much rejoicing. While there we saw several other animals being surrendered - a litter of German Shepherd mix puppies, a few "Marley" dogs, a litter of kittens, and a cat bigger than Simba! We played with the dogs and smiled at the kittens while we waited for our cat to be extracted from our cage. And there was much rejoicing.

Then came a young woman with a small cardboard box in hand. Echoes of "Awe!" and "How cute!" filled the room from those who looked in. I had to see what was drawing such responses! The girl remarked, "I just found it in my house." Then I saw her - one lone dark brown puppy. I gasped and immediately asked if I could hold her. Once in my arms, the puppy laid against my chest and nuzzled into my neck. That was all it took. I looked at Brice, Brice looked at me, and we agreed. And there was much rejoicing!

Meet Daisy, our 6-week old Chocolate Lab:

We didn't tell Cole until we went to pick her up from the vet the next day. He didn't know whether we were serious or not. It took some convincing for him to finally believe that she was ours!

She's been so sweet. She sleeps a lot and is learning how to play. Of course, I'm elated, but the boys are hooked too!

We weren't sure how Macie would respond. She reacted immediately. I've never seen so many of her hairs stand on end at the same time. Even her tail was bushy! She watched from a distance as Daisy explored various rooms in the house. She still watches, but she gets much closer. Daisy, however, doesn't give her one bit of attention!

And she loves the monkey grass! She gets lost in it. We are definitely smitten!

I'm sure there will be numerous blogs and pictures of our new blessing as we train her and play with her. But for now, we'll let her keep sleeping on her monkey.


Heather G. said...

Congratulations!!!! Can't wait to meet sweet Daisy, girl! :-)

~Mad said...

Thank YOU! I was the one who linked to your blog yesterday, being sad for so many animals needing homes.

So many animals needing homes!

Bless you and yours,
~Mad(elyn) in Alabama

Jenny said...

She is so cute!! I remember when our first was a puppy, we have a picture of Danny with Shug curled up by his neck just like Brice.

Dana Butler said...

Oh she is soooooo cute! Congrats, Cole! :) Love you guys.