Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Keeping it in the Family

Businesses that exist for the purpose of providing delicious food usually don't give out their recipes for said items. Otherwise we would make the stuff at home and not visit their establishment. That's how some businesses got started actually, keeping the recipe in the family.

My mom makes an amazing pie from a recipe her mom had. I remember falling in love with the pie as a child, the night she served it to our family and a visiting missionary family, the Foucachons. From then on I referred to it as the Foucachon Pie. Every visitor that tasted this dessert asked for the recipe, but mom just wouldn't give it out. Why? Because this pie was special! And by keeping it in the family, it stayed special. It stayed special for us kids too - she wouldn't even give it to us as grown adults!

Until now . . .
This Christmas, I opened a small box with a single piece of paper in it: the recipe for Foucachon Pie!

Yeah, it was a big deal.

We recently celebrated mom's birthday, 11 days after the actual day. So I made her a Mocha Nut Pie - with candles and everything!

Verdict: She loved it! Yea! Looks yummy, eh?

I'll be happy to share a piece with you, just not the recipe. Gotta keep it in the family, you know!


Anonymous said...

You win the prize as the first member of the family that actually made the recipe you've wanted for years!!! And it was delicious! Thanks for such a sweet (ha,ha) gift!! Mom

Stephanie said...

I'm 40 years old and been lucky enough to have shared 2 Cheely holiday gatherings. Does this qualify me as a recipe recipient??

joshB said...

I am a little worried about the "special" ingredients in your Cheeley pie... Is your family "connected"?

Heather G. said...

Cracked up at the video of you receiving the pie recipe!!! too funny! thanks for the laugh! :-)