Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Back to School!

It's official - my boy is a 4th grader!

And the 1st different thing this year - he is riding the bus! Thankfully, the boy across the street was in his class last year and the two boys down the road go to our church, so he was in good company and had fun.

He said his 1st day was "Awesome!" However, he has a "strict teacher and lots of troublmakers in his class." I'm not worried. He'll love her in no time and she'll straighten those kids out.

So back to homework, back to early mornings, back to packing lunches, back to routine!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It makes me sad and happy at the same time. He's growing up soooo fast. Praying for a good year in all respects. MM