Monday, August 24, 2009

New Do for 32!

It was time for a haircut, she did it a bit shorter than I envisioned, but kinda sassy! I think I like it!

Yes, my birthday was this past Friday. It was a week of celebrations, but I don't have many photos.

Wednesday night we went over to Brice's parents for dinner. His brother's family was in town with their newborn and I was looking forward to holding the little bundle. After dinner, I was presented with a cake, cards, and a beautiful poster colored by my nephews. Such a sweet surprise! (no photos)

Thursday night my boys took me out for Mexican, my favorite cuisine! We went home to play a game of my choice, which, of course, was Mario Kart! (no photos)

Friday, my actual birthday, began as usual - breakfast and goodbye to the boys. The next hour was filled with various phone calls from family members and I must give props to my brother: he was the first to call and from China! That afternoon I left with my mom for her church's women's conference in Shocco Springs. It was basically a 24-hour conference with worship, games, lessons, and we had a great time! How appropriate that I spend my birthday with my mom, the birther! She brought a couple of presents for me to open in the hotel room - isn't she sweet!

Yea Mom!

Saturday night Brice had arranged for some some friends to meet us for dinner. Then we all went to see a band where a friend of ours is the drummer. Good times! (no photos)

Sunday night we headed over to a friend's house under the guise that we're having a meeting about the children's ministry at our church. After we opened in prayer, all the kids entered with balloons singing Happy Birthday and Shannon brought out a yummy chocolate cake! Turns out that another girl there had a birthday Saturday so our sweet friends decided to have a joint celebration for us! So sweet! We played a Newlywed type game - very fun, lots of laughs!! (no photos)

So, yeah, it was a great week. Shout out to my hubby for trying so hard to make me feel special - and succeeding!


Dana Butler said...

Glad you had such a fun birthday(s)!! :) Very cute haircut too!! :)

Heather said...

I can't believe I forgot your birthday this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How horrible of me!! It completely slipped my mind and that is soooo very unlike....well, maybe.....USED TO BE UNLIKE me.... heeheehee....

Happy Belated Birthday, dear, lovely friend! So glad you had a great birthday week! :-)

Stephanie said...

I'm so glad you felt as special as you truly are!!!!!!! I love you and miss you so..... COuld the drummer be a hottie????