Wednesday, February 6, 2008

2007 In Review

Well, since I've just started this blogging quest, I feel I need to catch you up on recent events in our journey. So below is a quick review of our 2007:

The year began with the excitement of engagement and planning a wedding! The first couple of months were a blur and I'm glad I don't remember most of it.

Finally, it was March 17, 2007 and the new Jackson family began. It was a beautiful wedding and almost everything went perfectly. So the groomsmen couldn't sing the hymn because they didn't have words - no biggie! So we couldn't leave because my father-in-law was MIA with the car! We got married and that's all that matters!

We honeymooned in Sonoma Valley and San Francisco, CA. Gorgeous! I highly recommend you go there before you die! The weather was perfect, the schedule was laid back, and the company was precious.

Cole made an appearance on the evening news from clips taken at our church's Easter service. He was singing on stage with all the kids - and nailed the choreography perfectly! :-) We spent the afternoon hunting eggs at Brice's parents'. The competition grew fierce, as always, but now I can't even remember who won!

The summer was one of the busiest ever! Our family vacation was to Kentucky and Missouri to visit family and friends. You'll hear a lot about my sister's family because I absolutely adore her children as though they were my own! While in St. Louis, we visited Grant's Farm, the Gateway Arch, and toured the Busch brewery. Brice was a fabulous uncle and the children embraced him quickly. The rest of the summer included VBS, camp (for Brice & Cole), and Brice starring as Eugene in a community theater performance of Grease.

Cole started 2nd grade in public school and really enjoys it. I am the room mother this year, which is funny - I don't know why, it just is. Fall meant our church's fall carnival and my two boys dressed to impress! Brice is no one in particular, just found the beard and hat in the trunk! He kept walking around singing about tradition . . .

November held a solo trip for me to visit my sister again - this time to meet my new niece! That week was easily in my top 10 for the year. Sis and I got to play, Little and I got to fingerpaint, I got Bubba in trouble, and I spoiled KB to the point of frustrating my sister! Ah, the life of an aunt!

Christmas was an adventure this year! We headed down to Orlando to spend the week with Brice's brother and family. They have two boys so the day was full of fun and LOTS of presents! The rest of the week was spent in Disney World!! This was Cole's first trip and our first in over 10 years so we were all excited! It was such fun and we left Orlando absolutely exhausted!

So that's 2007 in a nutshell! It was a great year and I'm looking forward to a great 2008!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's play "find the two misspelled/mistyped words. . .since your sister announced I would proof your blog and we all "know how mother is."