Friday, February 15, 2008

My Funny Valentine

Yesterday was the big 2-14, the sometimes dreaded Valentine's Day - and our first as a married couple. Brice suggested I come have lunch with him at school and I quickly agreed. So after picking him up some shrimp & vegatables at the Peking Wok, I headed to the school cafeteria. Such a romantic setting for a Valentine's lunch - the teachers' table with 300 6th graders looking on.

Halfway through lunch, the principal came in with a microphone and called for everyone's attention. (I had ordered a cookie-bouquet to be delivered to Brice and was secretly hoping it had arrived and she was about to present it to him in front of everyone!) Instead she announced that she really didn't have anything to say, but she believed Mr. Jackson did. As the kids broke into applause, I froze! What could he possibly be doing? My mind was racing. As kids turned to smile at me and teachers pulled out their cameras, I started to panic! Brice then stood up on one of the lunch room tables and began to serenade me with Frankie Valli's "Can't Take My Eyes Off You," a song that he sang to me at our karaoke party after our wedding reception.

When he got to the chorus, he cued the kids who all stood up and sang along, "I love you baby and if it's quite alright I need you baby . . ." Our friends had played this role at our wedding party. I was laughing hysterically by this point - they had even printed off words!

Even the women in the kitchen came out to watch! Brice had been running around setting this up and teaching the song to the kids all morning. What a special gift! They all whooped and hollered when I gave him my thanks!

That smile stayed on my face the remainder of the day. I've got a great husband!!


BKicklighter said...

He shoots He scores!!!
Way to go brother Brice.

Anonymous said...

Awesome story!! That is sooo cool. Andy

Christian - Modobject@Home said...

Sweet! It's almost been a year. Wow -- it seems just a few months ago I was at your beautiful wedding.