Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Who knew?

Well, today has been a good day.

I've never been one to clips coupons or check the newspaper for sales, but I think I might be changing. Don't get me wrong, I love a good deal, but honestly I've just been too lazy to even think about hunting them down. My sister has introduced me to The Grocery Game - you can read about it on her blog. Basically, this woman tells you where the best deals are and when to use the coupons in your Sunday paper. Stocking up is a big goal in this "game." Buy more when the prices are the lowest so you don't pay more when you need them.

This was my first week to participate. I opted to go to 3 different stores to get the best deals on the items I needed/wanted. It was worth it!!! At the end of the day, I saved exactly $118.85 - on things I would buy anyway!

Getting it all in frig/freezer/pantry proved to be challenging. Our basement freezer needs to be cleaned out, so everything is upstairs for now. You know, it's pretty vulnerable to let someone into your pantry, but I am so proud of Brice and I that I have to show off our work.

Big props, big sis!!! Thanks for the tip!


BKicklighter said...

You rock my world, grocery gamer!!! You are so lucky to have me :)

Erbs said...

What is the blog site

Cliff said...

It is amazing when you do that. I mean, I know having to go to 3 different places can be time consuming, but, it is fun and you save lots of money. I know I always read the papers and I go to Bruno's or Winn Dixie right next to me for the best sales. Then Wal-Mart after that.

Christian - Modobject@Home said...

I've been doing the Grocery Game for 1.5 years now and love, love, love it. I can't believe how much I used to spend on groceries... and I love having a stocked pantry!