Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Movie Reviews

There haven't been many movies lately that I've thoroughly enjoyed. I don't think I'm asking for too much - good character development, definite plot, clear resolution (preferably a happy one), enjoyable storyline. I'm a big fan of the romantic comedy, but even some of those have been letting me down lately (with the exception of Enchanted). I was beginning to wonder if I would ever again be able to walk out of a movie with a contented smile thinking, "I really enjoyed that."

Well, the movie gods have smiled on me. I've seen TWO movies in the past two weeks that I really enjoyed and I'm going to tell you about them! I hope your city has a wonderful place called the $1 Theater. Fortunately, the one in our town is less than a mile from my house. Movies move so quickly through the mainstream theaters, it doesn't take long for us to just wait and see them for a fraction of the price.

Last week's movie: Definitely, Maybe

Starring: Ryan Reynolds, Abigail Breslin
Elizabeth Banks, Isla Fisher, Rachel Weisz

Plot: Maya's parents are going through a divorce. She begs her dad to tell her the story of how he fell in love with her mother. He finally agrees to tell the complicated story of 3 loves in his life leaving Maya to guess which girl in the story is her mother.

There are funny, sweet, and tender moments. I cried like a baby, resonating with parts of the story. I found myself lost in the movie, trying to figure out who he ended up with. Plus, he's just adorable! I recommend it - maybe, definitely.

This week's movie: Penelope

Starring: Christina Ricci, James McAvoy,
Catherine O'Hara, Reese Witherspoon

Plot: An old family curse caused Penelope to be born with a pig face. The curse could only be broken if one of their own, a blueblood, learned to love her the way she is. Her devastated mother never gave up hope that some gentleman would agree to marry her daughter and break the curse upon her. Eligible men ran as soon as they saw her face. A leap of faith takes Penelope in a new direction of self-discovery and opportunity.

I loved this! It's a typical fantasy, Beauty and the Beast type story with a twist. The cast is perfect. It has a great message as well as a sweet story. I walked out smiling. Rent it when it comes out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to rent those movies. Love the recommendations.