Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Spring Fling

What's a Spring Fling? It's just like a Fall Festival, but in the spring. Cole's school had theirs last Friday and what fun it was! Plenty of games, candy, and prizes. After two hours, he was exhausted and it was hot! It's nice that he's at the age where we can let him do his own thing with his friends and just check in every now and then. I'll eat those words later, but that day it was nice. Here he is with one of his friends from his class.

The young girl with the long hair in the background is one of his best friends. We JUST found out that she lives on our street, about 7 houses up! How have we made it through a whole year and not known this?? I told Cole this news and he said, "Yeah, I know." Boys!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

snazzy shirt there, cole
