Monday, April 14, 2008

Music too!

I need another kid! Cole gets too much blog attention - it may go to his head!

Saturday afternoon, Cole and some of his fellow piano students gave a little performance at a local assisted living home. It was such fun to watch the kids - and the grown-ups! Cole played two pieces that he's been working on diligently. Both have duet parts with his teacher, Mrs. Nailen. Keep in mind, he's only been taking lessons since January. Can you tell I'm proud of him?

And listen to the end of the clip - a sweet old lady with no concept of volume yells out, "He's about as big as a minute!" when Cole was walking back to his seat. Hilarious!!

1 comment:

BKicklighter said...

Yea, Cole!!! Well Done!!!

Anna - your husband ROCKS!!