Tuesday, March 31, 2009


From dictionary.com:

1. A stone marker set up on a roadside to indicate the distance in miles from a given point.
2. An important event, as in a person's career, the history of a nation, or the advancement of knowledge in a field; a turning point.

My car passed a milestone this week. Yep, she's over 90,000 miles old now and still going strong. It got me thinking though about milestones in life. You know, the things that leave a mark, show growth, create a turning point. Wikipedia says: Milestones are constructed to reassure travellers that the proper path is being followed, and to indicate either distance travelled or the remaining distance to a destination.

Some of my milestones:
Becoming a mother
Learning to stand up for myself
Realizing my parents are people with dreams too
Understanding that grace should be given as readily as it is received
Marrying the man of my dreams
Singing my first solo
Forgiving the deepest of hurts
Acknowledging that God really does loves me that much
Learning to let go

I am consistently reminded of the remaining distance to my destination. I know I've got a long way to go, but it's about the journey, right?

What are some of your milestones?

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