Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Little Man

1 Corinthians 16:13
Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

Good parents teach their kids to do what's right, make good choices, obey the rules. When my child makes a good choice, it just sends my heart into cartwheels! Mom, I get it!

We don't let Cole watch PG-13 movies. It's just a choice we've made as parents and Cole understands the rule. For some reason, the movie Transformers keeps trying to make its way into Cole's life. The first time was on one of Cole's visits to his other dad's house. The others decided they wanted to watch Transformers and Cole asked what it was rated. When they discovered it was PG-13, Cole told them he couldn't watch it. Wow!

Cole is attending a public day camp this week. Some of his friends from school are there and he's really had a good time. Yesterday afternoon, they were getting ready to watch a movie. A counselor selected Transformers and the group cheered. As the leader prepared to put the movie in the DVD player, my sweet son spoke up and told him that he couldn't watch it because of its rating. Some of the boys chastised him for it, but thankfully, his friends didn't. The counselor changed the movie to something rated PG.

When Cole explained the situation to Brice later that afternoon, Brice asked the afternoon director about the movie choice. She was horrified and told Brice that the movie would be removed from the list. She and the senior director had been arguing over what they thought the rating was and apparently he won. (Why didn't they just look it up?)

Brice praised Cole for having the guts to stand up for what he knew was right. He told him that there were probably other kids there who weren't supposed to watch it but didn't say anything and Cole replied, "Yeah, *Jake* isn't supposed to watch it and he didn't say anything."

We love when our boy chooses what is right in a fallen world. We hate that he has to make certain choices when the issue shouldn't even be presented to him. But we praise God that he longs to do what is right. I pray that desire is cultivated in a heart that longs to glorify God, not a heart to please others or a fear of getting in trouble.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that! Left me VERY encouraged. I know my guy is doing well, but I know there will come a day like Cole had. Tell Cole, friends in Kentucky are proud of him too and that the story will be told to my six year old very soon! Thanks for being great parents! Monica