Thursday, June 19, 2008

Father's Day - Belated

Sunday was Father's Day, Brice's first as an official father. Unfortunately, Cole was at the beach so we couldn't celebrate that day.

The cool thing about that was that we could each devote our day to our own dads. I went to church with my parents and then hung out at their house for the afternoon. Brice had class but went to his parents' afterward. The two of us used a gift certificate to The Melting Pot for a dinner date that night. Such fun!

Cole got home Tuesday so we celebrated the big day Wednesday night. Cole and I decorated the house in preparation for Brice's arrival. We even found an inflatable flamingo and palm tree in the party closet. Cole hid the gifts and made clues for Brice to find them. Here's Brice with his loot:

The scavenger hunt was followed by a seafood dinner, cooked by yours truly, and then the dance contest began, disco ball and all . . .

The night also included a heated pool tournament, which I ended up dominating.

It was a fun night and Brice felt special - that's all that matters!

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