Monday, June 9, 2008

Wedding Mania

'Tis the season to be marry-ing.

Two of our dear friends got married last weekend and are now on their 3-week honeymoon in Europe.

Two more of our dear friends got married this past Saturday at 3:00, which unfortunately meant we couldn't go.

Two more of our dearest friends got married this past Saturday at 4:00, and that's where we were.

This is Courtney Cook and Geoffrey Rogers:

They were united in marriage June 8, 2008 by her brother Jonathan. Brice was a groomsman and I was actually the director. Who knew it would be so fun? I really had a blast!

She looked like a princess!

Everything was perfect - almost, only those things that those who know would recognize. The ceremony was beautiful and sweet. I thought my dad marrying me was teary, but try a sweet big brother! The reception was held at Flower Stems - yes, a flower shop. They have an upstairs for parties.

I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and hope to do it again.

So if any of you out there are getting married or know someone who is, give them my name as a coordinator! This might just be my destiny . . .

1 comment:

BKicklighter said...

Don't you mean density? This could be my "density"?

Get it?