Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Growing Family

A little over a month ago, I told you about finding some new kittens in our crawl space, half-siblings of Macie. Within a week, the mother moved them somewhere else. Well, a couple nights ago I heard little meows again. Brice and I ventured back into the crawl space yesterday and found the two surviving kittens looking right at us! Brice just reached out and grabbed one of them and the other scampered off. After some searching, I spotted something furry behind a pipe in the corner. Sure enough, it was kitty 2.

They are SO tiny, they didn't even know how to defend themselves. They just let us pick them up and hold them. We put them in the carrier where they huddled together and watched our every move.

We introduced them to Macie to see how she would react. She was quite curious.

After taking them to the vet to get checked out and some shots, we brought them home to keep until we can find them homes. We set up a little subdivision in the room where they can move around without getting lost.

So where are the kittens?

Huddled in the corner.

We realized last night that they don't even know how to eat or drink. We think they were still nursing. This morning we saw that the food was gone and the litter box had been used a couple of times. Yea! They are quick learners!
So . . . . anybody want a cat??


Anonymous said...

You were meant to be a kitty hero!!!

BKicklighter said...

The Humane Society PAYS people to find them homes :)

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with the cat but I met a nurse at work tonight(to make a long story short - I need your e-mail) she starts telling me this story about uprooting her family so her husband can do full time missions anyway somewhere along the way she said he has interviewed with Pastor Cheeley. She said I was the 3rd person to say I know him. So maybe that was a good sign. She's incredible. Jenny